Jeff's Emails Regarding Paul Eakin Using My Situation In His Campaign

This file depicts emails from Jeff Capehart in regards to a man I never knew who came from out of the blue, who didn't actually know anyone down here in Alachua County personally, who was apparently using rumors about some "situation" going on in Alachua County in his election campaign, and who during this campaign implied that I was a very serious problem that needed to be dealt with. Paul never actually did any real investigating of the situation that he was campaigning about, never contacted me - the actual person being accused - for my side, and he used my personal hardship to try to garner himself good position in his own political campaign for Section Manager in the American Radio Relay League - a national amateur radio organization. Meanwhile, at the same time, he caused wild and unnecessary fear, paranoia, and worry about me in people inside various levels of government agencies in Emergency Management, the National Weather Service, and in amateur radio circles, causing each to take unorthodox but very real actions which caused me (and Alachua County SKYWARN) even further problems. He was extremely irresponsible, helping to make an ongoing and already dire stalking and harassment situation even worse, without knowing what he was doing, or showing any regard or consideration of the situational consequences that his careless actions were causing to happen to me.

To make it easier to distinguish where I'm making commentary, and what is an email, my comments will appear in normal black font, and the actual emails themselves will appear in red font.

It should be noted that the information mentioned herein deals with a man who actually lives out of Tallahassee, Florida, and not the individual of the same name who lives in Jacksonville, and who happens to be an attorney there. It is an incredibly unfortunate coincidence, but there is nothing that I can do about that. The bad guy did do what he did and I do have a right to tell the world about it, nonetheless.

Paul L. Eakin, amateur radio callsign KJ4G, is a man who didn't know what he was doing, and who didn't fully understand a situation. He got himself involved in something that he had absolutely no business being involved in, and who ended up causing more of a hardship for someone who was already an innocent victim of ongoing harassment and stalking. Mr. Eakin took gossip and rumor heard about someone he didn't know, gathered information from people he didn't realize were actually my stalkers, as well as from non-credible third party sources who didn't know the victim at all or the actual circumstances, completely avoided any contact with the victim for his side, and then took the gossip and rumor he'd acquired and spread it around in a highly public manner inside ARRL, Emergency Management, and National Weather Service circles during a real campaign for "Northern Florida Section Manager". In so doing made a very bad situation far worse for the victim than it ever needed to be. He helped to put the nail in the coffin for the victim, in fact, in gullible minds who had already been set up to doubt due to the actions already taken by the stalkers. And what hurts the that to convince people, to ring them in, Eakin bragged that he was a cop who was involved in "forensics crime scene investigations". This self-label was used to completely destroy any doubts in him that listeners might have otherwise had. In other words, by his own job description, this is a man who should have known better, who should have known about the rules about remaining distant, about not getting emotionally involved, and especially about sharing information and rumor because it might not be true and how the gossip could be painting an innocent victim as the bad guy, and who used this - however unintentionally, but extremely irresponsibly - to cause even further problems for the victim. (Quite a LOT of people did this, in fact.) Rules regarding handling of evidence and crime situations was evidently not in Eakin's concern. Obtaining his position in the ARRL was - using any manner necessary. And my situation catered to his narcissistic goals perfectly, so he was not above taking the opportunity to use it...and he did.

I tried to get out of Mr. Capehart the name of the man who was talking about me, and for a long time Mr. Capehart refused. It was part of Jeff's MO: Torture Todd, withhold information, watch him squirm in panicked, helpless fear when he begins to realize that there's nothing he can do. He'd done this to me before too with information about how someone was going to go to the U.S. Navy and tell them that my best friend - a woman and an officer in the Navy - was "associating with a known security risk". Why? ...So that she'd get in trouble and be incarcerated and investigated and then Todd would have "more time to concentrate on his SKYWARN duties." His name was Jay Leiberman / KD4FER. This kind of stuff was okay with Jeff. It didn't bother him. He thought it was funny. Some guy who is sort of a well-known paranoid lunatic is out there targetting Todd's friend, then the Assistant Coordinator of ACS, and he's not concerned. Jeff had also pulled similar stuff regarding things that Melissa Royce / KE4WBQ was doing, and her husband Philip Royce / KE4PWE of the Alachua County Sheriff's Office, and another ham named Frederick Scott West / KG4VWD. It was an always-repeating nightmare, always sparked by Mr. Capehart, and I couldn't make it stop. He wouldn't allow it to. When Jeff finally gave me the man's name, and I tried to contact Eakin, he at first avoided contact. I had to actually threaten him with a lawsuit before he finally contacted me by telephone. But even still, he refused to give me the names of the people he had obtained his information from so that I could confront them. As well, he refused to tell me whom HE had talked to about me, either. He refused to help me in any way. He refused to give me names citing "protection of his witnesses". Right. I'm sorry... Aren't people supposed to be guaranteed knowledge of what they're being accused of, and who is accusing them, and to FACE those accusers? Isn't that somewhere in the Constitution's Amendments? They're designed to prevent just what is happening...people making false accusations and getting innocent people into big trouble. I guess the Amendments apply only to Mr. Eakin's witnesses, but not to the accussed. And in the end of the conversation, I got what basically amounted to a sales pitch for me to vote for him.

I suppose there's a sort of poetic justice in the fact that I have witnessed Paul numerous times now try to work up some of the other people and agencies who are also mentioned in my harassment blog in an effort to try to get them upset with me and to try get them to do what he could not in taking down my blog, and taking care of me once and for all, and making it all just go away. But I've also noticed how these attempts have always repeatedly proven unsuccessful. (See IP logs, here.)

Paul has tried to go to Tallahassee NWS (who themselves notified Jax NWS, and where NWS-Jax then went to the FBI - which spent four whole days pouring over my blog, and then they "went away" as mysteriously as they came), and the Florida Division of Emergency Management...that I so far am aware of, anyway. But every time Paul has tried to do something about me, for some STRANGE reason it never worked. It was because I was actually doing nothing wrong.

The problem for Paul was this: The blog speaks the truth and nothing else. While I am aware that it may indeed rant here and there, there are no threats contained within that blog, nor any "lists" or "demands". That is usually the mark of someone with a mental problem. I do that and people can then apply the word "manifesto" to the blog, and then that changes the whole public view of the blog - which is actually a diary of stalking and harassment that has occurred towards me over the years, and not a "list of raving demands made by a crazy person". I've been careful to make sure that Eakin, and the people like him, will never have the chance to go there. There's nothing that he can do about the blog. ...I mean, unless he wants to start some form of formal court proceedings himself - either civil or criminal; and he can't afford to do that. ...And I don't mean financially. He doesn't want to call public attention to what he did, and neither do any of the rest who are mentioned in my blog, who all probably now happen to view Paul as a troublemaker and a potential serious problem and a liability for them - especially where his braggings and irresponsible actions cannot be reigned and controlled. ...Kind of in the same way that they now view Melissa Royce and her husband Phil, and Frederick Scott West, and Jay Leiberman.

See, there are low-browed types of crminals who talk too much, who like to brag, and who like to torture their victims because they have a built-in sense of cruelty and vindictiveness. They're easy to manipulate by the even smarter bad guys at the top and they tend to get used like tools. But while they may be utilized as a tool, they also tend bring with them a certain amount of unpredictability and especially an inability to stop it when prudent. It's a wildcard bit of uncontrollability that always screws all the rest up and eventually brings about their demise. Those types are called "sociopaths", or at the least, people with an "Anti-Social Personality Disorder". These were the major players in my own personal stalking and harassment nightmare. But then there's Eakin's type... Eakin was a little different in that where he wasn't exactly one of those more dangerous sociopathic types, he was still just as damaging and just as easily manipulated. He's not exactly aware that he's being manipulated; but his clueless irresponsibility and his greedy want for quick glory make him just as dangerous. See, Eakin is the "dumb, clueless, brainless, totally irresponsible idiot" kind of person who seeks fame and glory by any means possible whom the smarter bad guys just can't get enough use out of. He's the guy they work up and then click the beer mugs together over, laughing loudly over how easily they were able to reel him in and make him take some damaging action against the victim, or cause it to occur. Eakin fell for their BS and thought he saw really easy opportunity; and now he's suffering the havoc inevitably wrought from that. We still can't give him a break, though. He still should have known better. He didn't have to take that path. He makes his own decisions. You remember what Mom and Dad said to you whenever you made stupid mistakes: "You made your own bed; now you have to lay in it." ...Or how about the part where Mom held up her finger and pointed to the victim of your stupidity and made you actually walk up and apologize to him, face-to-face. Eakin must have missed out on all that somewhere as a kid. He's kinda morally inept. Morally clueless. He's the Izzy Moreno type (see Miami Vice TV show) - always looking for a quick opportunity who eventually gets into trouble, with a lot of uhh...misconjumbulated verbialogical ineptitudinalnesses...spread about along the way in a confident voice in order to confuse people and make them think that he's an ingenious god. (Pause for the reader to read the previous sentence again and then shake his head.) That's how I personally see Eakin. Eakin doesn't like to "torture" like all my other stalkers did; but he DID try to use my pain and suffering to gain himself some fame. He chose to take the "easy path" using someone else's bad luck. And then when it backfired on him, he tried to make his mistakes go away by trying to convince others, in quite dishonorable fashion, to actually "take care of" the victim whom he had harmed. But so far, every time he's tried, he's failed. Even the FBI came and went away. It would appear that the FBI was not willing to take this on. (There's actually a lot more very interesting story to that, which is described elsewhere in this blog.) But...Eakin has the "bragging" and "talking" and "self-idolization" sicknesses about him; and that's where he went wrong. It gets everybody around him into trouble. His mouth is the plague. And the end, it turned out to be his demise.

Nutshelling it? Eakin used gossip to gain himself fame, and it caused harm to an innocent person. When it all failed for him, and the victim complained publicly about what he did, he tried to tattle on the victim to the Mob, so to speak, and get others to bully him Mafioso style into silence, probably citing that "'s wrong to talk about other people like that." It's a shame that it took me writing a blog publicly describing what he did, and which caused him a lot of personal humiliation and embarasssment, before he finally, actually understood that very excellent point. That's exactly right. It's wrong to talk about other people. Damn straight. Bingo. Right on, man. (sigh) I have no sympathy for this empathetically bereft moron. He got what he deserved in the end.

So suffice it to say that I'm not worried about anything that Mr. Eakin, or even his friends, might be able to do. Nothing he does will ever be to my detriment. I mean, I want an investigation. Why would anyone think that I would be afraid of that?

Especially because of Eakin's own dishonorable actions, I have designed this blog in such a way that it will act as a double-edged sword for anyone who attempts to force it's removal. Any shots fired at it will be redirected back at them. There IS a bit of Sun Tzu strategy in this whole thing. I did that on purpose. For one, it's designed to anger the unwitting friends of my harassers, whom I can only hope will make attempts to do "favors" for the harassers (preferably without first telling them that they did so), and in so doing accidentally force-spark an investigation that the stalkers didn't want. On the other hand, if the people mentioned in the blog want to do something about it themselves, then they are forced to stand in front of a judge.'s placed into the public record then; and that's not what they want, either. ...But, it IS what I want. But at the same time, and MOST importantly above all, this blog halted my stalkers dead in their tracks. Now, instead of stalking, they've suddenly found themselves having to be on the defensive, and involved in a constant, neverending damage control...and while they're bogged down with that, they're not bothering me. ...Use their own tactics against them. It's one of Sun Tzu's foremost strategies. Where lawyers are called to read this blog and formulate strategies against it, their own advice will very likely be something akin to the following: "My best legal advice to you is to just let this go. He's won. You've lost. If what he's saying is TRUE, and from what you're telling me that appears to be the case...then what he is saying is truth and he has a right to tell it if he wants. You try to make him stop and you call attention to everything. And you don't WANT an investigation of ANY sort because what you did to him could then be discovered, and you could be sued, or put in jail, or both. So you're just going to have to deal with the occasional questions brought on from those strange things that people will find during the keyword searches, and you're going to have to brush them off one-on-one as they come...probably for the rest of your life. Otherwise, there's really nothing that you can do want to risk possibly of actually going to jail, and/or losing everything that you own to this man, as well as your name and reputation, and the possibility of the City, County, State, and Federal officials finding out how you used their names, authority, and instruments to pick on this man, and any of the really scary consequences that come along with them finding out." ...And that would be absolutely correct.

I've put a whole LOT of VERY careful thought into the design of this blog. Eakin, really...was the random, unknown, out-of-control, wholly irresponsible individual who made me realize that my stalkers seemed to have ALL the control while I had none, and that they were causing other similarly idiotic individuals to make things even worse for me and that there was nothing that I could do about it. It also made me realize that I needed to get some of that control back again. Thanks to Eakin for kinda tipping me towards that realization, or I would have never thought to put into words all that has happened to me. When Eakin started CAMPAIGNING about me, that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. That was too much. That was over the top. Now it's gone WAY too far out of control. Now whole GOVERNMENTS are getting upset with me - because of the irresponsibility of others, and I needed to do something about it myself because it was obvious that no one was going to try to help me out. So in a way, Eakin helped cause me to write this blog - a blog which helped to bring about, so I understand, his own demise, too. Apparently he had upset a number of other hams, too, and gotten THEM in trouble. This sparked a huge campaign to remove Mr. Izzy Moreno, er I mean Mr. Eakin, from his Section Manager position. Some complained to the FHP too, apparently...where he was eventually fired... Er... Rather... Let's use the word "services concluded"...from the FHP Auxilliary. Around that time, I also noticed that the FHP itself also made a quick stop at this blog. Web counters (and their IP logs) are great!

How did this guy even find me in the first place? I suppose that I will never really fully know or understand. Jeff Capehart mentioned (as you'll see below) that Melissa Royce might have had something (pretty heavy, in fact) to do with that. I don't really know at this point exactly how. I eventually will, I'm sure; because these guys just can't keep their mouths shut for long, and they have to come back to try again. It's an inevitable compulsion; an addiction for them. Quite a bankable one, in fact. But I do know this much...

Jeff Capehart, W4UFL, was the leader of the local Amateur Radio Emergency Service group, and two other ham radio organizations - the Gainesville Amateur Radio Society and the Gator Amateur Radio Club. He immersed himself within a lot of public service activities to try to mask his more devious doings, which lately had been in working up people to harass and stalk myself and my friends. He was often very good, in fact, in getting people of sound mind to angered state about others and to agree with him in his off-kilter opinions about them. He was very charismatic and intelligent, which helped. Now throw in the fact that he's always there to do you a favor, help with fixing a problem with your computer and/or networking problems where no one else will, then this makes him in fact very valuable to people, and in fact gives him the power to make people overlook many of the questionable things that he does. He could often harass someone right in front of a group of people and the others would never realize that's what he was fact, often working them up to join in on the harassment fun, themselves. ...Good, otherwise intelligent (as well as the low-browed, less intelligent) people who would just never think that someone seemingly so good would do something like that. He was that good. But before you knew it, an awful lot of people would end up realizing that they've done some pretty serious things that they were suddenly responsible and liable for, and asking themselves how in the hell they got there. And now they're involved in trying desperately to cover it all up to protect themselves. And no one ever realizes this until after they've been conned into committing themselves. By that time, people may well finally realize that I was telling the truth about him all along; but by then, it's too late, and they can't even publicly apologize because to do so would involve themsleves in deep investigation. Jeff is a real Devil-in-disguise.

EM and NWS couldn't understand why I tried so hard to keep ACS out of ham radio control. They truly believed in the hams. They hadn't seen what I had seen. They hadn't seen the irresponsibility, their want to do things their own way - out of control, and their consistency at doing things that get you and everyone else into trouble... They were a very serious problem here in Gainesville. There was a REASON why I never allowed hams any real control of ACS. It was because all I've ever seen in the amateur radio community is ego, selfishness, carelessness, their insanely obsessive want for self-glory and self-gratification, and a whole lot of irresponsibility that went along with it. I preferred that ACS be "civilian" run and controlled. It was safer. Hams could cooperate WITH us if they so wished to; but I would not allow them any control. ...And that had a lot to do with everything that they did. But I didn't want the hams to screw it all up. I've allowed them control before, and it always came back to bite me in the ass.

...But the hams ended up destroying everything, anyway. The hams could have created their own SKYWARN program anytime they wished. Instead, they wanted control of Alachua County SKYWARN. And to do that, they tried every trick in the book. And Melissa Royce went as far as to forge business cards proclaiming her as the new "Coordinator", and telling then-Chief Will May, and Asst. Chief Dave Donnelly, the Emergency Managers, that I had handed the reigns over to her. In truth, no such thing had happened, and I was unaware of it. When then one day Dave sent me a "copy for your approval" (see) of a portion of the "new" SOP manual for "Alachua County SKYWARN", as run by emergency management, with my own position underneath them being dictated, I hit the roof and asked him what right he had to put THIS together. Instead of putting two and two together and realizing that he had been duped, he instead assumed that I was nuts and changing my mind, and that's how the whole thing started down here. I actually had to threaten the Alachua County Office of Emergency Management with a Cease & Desist if they didn't change the name of their organization, and cease making any attempts to "take over" Alachua County SKYWARN. (Can you believe that, man? A government agency was actually conned by hams into believing that they could use thier name and power to take over another organization!) At first Dave ignored me. When I threatened a lawsuit and TV-20 coverage, he changed his tune. I am to this day still stoopified at the thought that a government agency could be so manipulated by people so lowly as simple ham radio operators. What kind of irresponsible Emergency Manager has to be in control to allow such a thing to happen on his watch without any safeguards and checks? Oh and, know what? Melissa had pulled the same thing with the Red Cross, again forging business cards, giving herself titles that she never actually had so as to confuse upper echolon in both agencies and make them think she was more responsible and experienced than she actually was. And meanwhile, between both the Red Cross and ACOEM there were complaints from people about how she was always calling people up ringing their phones off the hook, and her gossipping and complaining about others, and harassments, and abuses of power... They were the exact same complaints made about her that Alachua County SKYWARN had made to ACOEM about her. We never got any letters of apology once they realized what had happened. At ACOEM, she was in training to become an Emergency Manager. (That's just scary.) I don't at this time know what she was going for at the Red Cross. Eventually both ACOEM and the Red Cross fired her simultaneously. They both sent her letters terminating her volunteer status. (How does a volunteer get fired? ...I mean, seriously here.) Neither agency was aware that the other was doing it. Both sent the letters out at the same exact time. ...A bit of interesting coincidence trivia for you.

...And Eakin had publicly called me the problem. He had no idea. He had no> business sticking his nose into something he had no clue about and accusing an innocent man of being a problem and intimating that he needed to be taken care of like he did, and getting so many government agencies so confused and upset with me as he did.

But now the damage had been done. Because of what the hams down here had pulled, Al Sandrik sent out a memo to every single EM agency head in every county covered in the NWS-JAX County Warning Area. This means everyone in southeastern Georgia, and northeastern Florida. It stated that NWS would no longer recognize ANY civilian agencies in their entire CWA, and that all SKYWARN classes and organizations must be handled through local emergency management. This was a bad idea. All it did was hand the power right back into the hands of the people who had caused all of the problems in the first place. At the same time, it punished every civilian organization across the entire CWA...and they had nothing at all to do with this. It was the Alachua County hams. But to disguise it, the the official blame was placed on some unnamed Georgia SKYWARN organization for going to the sites of post-storm damage and making too many "unauthorized damage assessments".

...And with that, the Alachua County hams had not only destroyed Alachua County SKYWARN (our web site and the Alachua County EMWIN Project spinoff program, which provides free severe weather bulletins to the local public - to pager, cellphone, email, or web page, are all that is left now), but they had also for the most part destroyed all SKYWARN activity in our area. EM has not had the enthusiasm or interest in SKYWARN like we did. With ACOEM, people are lucky to get a spotter training class once a year; maybe once every two years. Under ACS, we had a spotter training class twice a year. We also made huge efforts at advertising - placing large, colorful, attention-grabbing posters in all the major grocery stores, in all the local libraries, etc., and putting notices in online bulletin boards, and on TV-20, and in numerous local newspapers. ACOEM on the other hand...pretty much advertises only within their Alachua County newsletter listgroup and not in very many other places. They're just not that enthused about it. The class turnouts are always very small. We, on the other hand, had classes with 75 to 100 people at a time. We took it a lot more seroiusly. Today, here in Alachua County, "spotting" pretty much consists of people looking up and going "hmm" and then continuing with their lives.

...And we can thank Eakin, and the Alachua County hams across both GARS and GARC, for causing all of that.

...EAKIN...was not aware of what was really going on and didn't give a rats ass about it. What was going on was something so very huge. He had no idea what he was getting himself into. ...And he stuck his nose into it. I'm 100-percent sure that he seriously regrets it, now. I'm sure he wishes he could take this highly public mistake back now, too. Ain't happenin', though. At the time, as far as he was concerned, this guy "Todd" was the problem...not the hams - because that's what he had heard. I'm sure he's learned his lesson about gossip and rumor, now, a most horrific, in-your-face kind of way. Had he done the slightest real bit of investigating, asked ANY questions at all, then the masks would have been removed from everything and he would have figured it out, and all would have become apparent to him. But he was not interested in getting to the truth about anything. He had more selfish ideas in mind. ...And that is a problem that I see repeatedly in hams, today. They just aren't responsible, and they see ham radio as a means to quick self-glory. Alachua County SKYWARN has a much larger, much more meaningful mission...and I will always protect that...idiots be damned.

So, ON to the emails, now...

Here, Jeff tortures me with information about someone using gossip and rumor about me in a political campaign, and refuses to tell me who the individual is. Take note in these emails how far Jeff goes to argue with me, to deny, and to blame.

From: Jeff Capehart []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 4:53 PM
To: Todd L. Sherman/KB4MHH
Subject: word from "the hill"

Apparently you were right about this: word has been circulating something to the effect that "the Alachua Skywarn program had a guy running it who wanted EVERYTHING to be run through him". This is from a guy in Tallahassee who is a ham and has been involved with NWS JAX and Fleming at FDEM and that was his impression from what he has been hearing from all the folks who he has talked to. (He's been going around talking to groups about ARES, SKYWARN, and ham radio). That's what they call it up there, Capitol Hill, or "the hill", Tallahassee.

Did anybody just catch how Jeff put it in his OWN words right there: ..."the Alachua SKYWARN program"... ..."a guy running it"... How does one use someone's name without actually using his/her name? ...Just like that. -Todd

He didn't seem to know a whole lot about you, or Alachua County, or a time frame for when this was supposed to be, or even your name, but it was the reputation that seemed to stick that "Skywarn in Alachua" was a problem.

If the man didn't know me, and didn't know anything about me, or any time frames, or any specifics about what was happening, and made no effort to contact me - by email, phone, Certified Letter, or even so much as by Western Union TELEGRAM or Amateur Radio RADIOGRAM...then what the hell was he doing out there using my personal pain and suffering in the public and implying to the world that there really WAS a problem with me and the ACS program or implying that he could even in any way do ANYTHING about it? He had no right to do that, to USE my situation - my still-ongoing personal pain and suffering like that. ...And to avoid all contact with me - the actual victim, the "source" being affected - until I actually threatened him with a lawsuit...that was just SO wrong! -Todd

So Melissa proceeded to "fill him in". Sheesh.

So did yuh notice how Jeff avoided proceeding to fill me in on what Melissa "proceeded" to fill everybody else in on?

Again....Torture tactics. That's Jeff's M.O. Let's tell Todd somebody said something about him in public, but leave out what was actually said - especially so that he cannot use that information to protect himself. But we'll call it "done in the name of friendship" so that it sounds like I'm doing a good thing for him. (sigh) ...Jeff is a real piece of work.

What I find the MOST funny in this whole thing is that while Jeff is so very tunnel-visioned on trying to torture me, he's not watching what he's doing. At the same time that he thinks he's having fun with me, he's also being an unintentional eyewitness for me, backing up for me what he was witnessing Paul Eakin, Melissa, and Phil do. And while Jeff thinks he's having a playtime with me at this point, he's having SO much fun that he's forgetting that he's flying his own plane right into the ground. He's not watching his eleven-o'clock, or his one-o'clock. He's not watching his 9 or his 3. He's not watching his 6, either. This is typical of psychopaths, and is often how they get caught. He's driving a stake through his own heart, here. Most of us Muggles never notice this sort of stuff when it's actually happening, unless someone else points it out of course, because the psychopaths are usually very adept at saying them in such a way that sounds confident, and usually with a certain amount of blame in with it so that it sounds like it's all your own fault, not theirs. All these years, Eakin's probably been thinking to himself that I've been his personal nightmare with this damned blog. But in reality, it's actually been his most trusted ally...Jeff...with his exceptionally big mouth, and especially his inability to know when to put down the god damned torture tools. Most people who ally with Jeff don't realize this because Jeff is busy sharing your information with the bad guys and the bad guy's information with you, and playing the Devil's Advocate. That's his game. He likes to play two sides against he other, working each up against the other, and he sits back and watches the fireworks fly because he gets off on that. Poor Eakin. Now ask me if I feel sorry for him. You want to play with the Devil, you GET the Devil. Scott West fell for it. Melissa Royce fell for it. Jay Leiberman. Phil & Melissa Royce. Chief May. Dave Donnelly. Angie Enyedi. Al Sandrik. Steve Letro. And now it's Paul Eakin's turn to be the gullable idiot being used like a tool. Paul wished to use the gossip for narcissitic glory. He fell for it hook line and sinker.

"...VAAANITY! Definitely my FAVORITE sin! (wink)" said Al Pacino, playing the Devil in the movie, The Devil's Advocate..

At this point, Jeff goes into a schpiel about an incident with GPD where a cop (Detctive Michael Mayo) had deliberately sabotaged a harassment case that I had filed against Phil and Melissa Royce - where Jeff was repeating it's closed and private details back to my face. He came to me and told me all sorts of intimite details about my case that he should not have known not being an actual party to the case. He again tortured me with how he knew all the details about my case, as if to show me that he was God and he was not to be trifled with. But as usual, after an endlessly torturous amount of demanding, he finally caved and admitted that he had obtained the information from Phil and Melissa, who had shared that information with him in brag. Jeff had become a witness to a cop actually committing a crime - a cooperation between the GPD officer and the "bad guys". And rather than taking that very helpful information to GPD and/or it's IAD Department, or perhaps even to FDLE, and doing the right thing, Jeff instead insisted that his information was "third hand" and thus "not admissible" in an effort to try to get out of doing the right thing, and to keep his involvement secret, and thus stay out of trouble. To this day (04/08/2010) Jeff has STILL refused to go to GPD with that information. NOTE: Jeff is a leader in the local Amateur Radio Emergency Service program. What public service leaders DO this sort of stuff??? -Todd

Anyway, that got me to thinking about that whole thing with Phil and the cop and the "hearsay" thing. And I just so happened to run into an attorney so I could ask my question about hearsay and get an opinion from someone who understood the law and legal admissability in court.

Did you notice how when he said "happened to run into an attorney", and that you automatically assumed that he must know what he was talking about? Did your mind ever stop and say to you, "WHAT attorney? What is his NAME?" No. You did not, because your mind had already jumped to the conclusion that because he said he'd spoken to an attorney that he was defacto correct without argument. Where did he happen to be when he "ran into" the attorney? Tell me who it was so that I can cross examine him to make sure that Jeff didn't "conveniently leave out" important details which would have most definitely affected that so-called "attorney's" opinion. But that information is conveniently left out while he moves quickly on in an attempt to keep you from thinking too much...

So, here's the deal:

If person A says to person B "The cop told me all about that guy Joe Schmoe and made him out to be a nutcase", and person C hears it, then there are two situations for court testimony for either person B or C.

1) If you just want to show, for the record, that person A said that quote to person "B", then yes, you can testify and say "he said X" and it is admissable.

2) However, if you want to prove that "the COP said X", or that X is true, you cannot do that with the testimony. It is not admissable.

The net result is that you can only testify to what you heard a person say. It is then left up to the court, judge, jury, etc. to form their opinion and believe what they will about the statement X itself.

So, based on those legal interpretations, I'm not sure if what you wanted was #1 or #2, but what I was saying was that I wouldn't be able to get you to #2 because that would be hearsay and inadmissable.

And #1 doesn't seem to get you very far without other evidence. On its own, it is a "he-said, he-said" type deal.


Jeff was constantly doing this to me in order to excuse himself from doing the right thing and reporting what he knew to the authorities. First he went to a couple of unknowing detectives who were giving a security lecture for the AITP group meeting at the University of Florida, and gave them a highly genericized hypothetical situation instead of the actual situation, so that the officers had no clue what was actually going on. He left out important details, and then asked the officers what they thought, got exactly the type of answer that he had tried to manipulate out of them, and then returned this information to me. I asked him if he had told the officers everything so that their answer was not "prejudiced", and he admitted "no". But I had to ask him that repeatedly before he finally admitted it to me. Getting the truth out of Jeff is always like pulling teeth. Here again, this time he went to an attorney and did the exact same thing, thinking that going to an attorney would have to be the end of it. But again, in talking to the attorney, he left all the important specific details out, and again gave the attorney a "hypothetical". The attorney of course answered in exactly the manner that Jeff had manipulated him to, and Jeff tried to hand this back to me as reason why he could not go to GPD with what he knew.

NOW... Had Jeff told these guys that he was reporting "priviledged" information about an ongoing case, and which information he was not supposed to know, and which he had no "need" to know, and that he was getting it from the very people being investigated...this would have elicited a vastly different answer from the cops and from the attorney, and they all would have realized that they were being conned by someone who was being very slyly adept at manipulating them.

Jeff was getting his information not from a "third party" but DIRECTLY FROM the criminals, themselves. Further, he KNEW that he was getting information he wasn't supposed to know, and he was consciously choosing to withold the information from the authorities and come forth as a witness to what he knew to be a crime, and he was doing it to protect Phil and Melissa, and the rogue cop. That is a "conspiracy to commit". And his choice to WITHHOLD that information makes him a "co-conspirator". Finally, he knew that if he had actually TOLD someone the truer details of what was actually going on, he might end up actually arrested for what he was doing. He's not a dumbass. He knew what he was doing.

ADDENDUM: It must have been pretty scary for Detective Mayo to read this very page for the first time when he did a keyword search for his name not long ago and found this page. It must have been absolutely horrifying, in fact, to find out that I already knew that he was going to sabotage my case before he actually did it. Now, my final conversation with him over the cellphone that day must finally make sense to him. (See log transcript.)

From: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 4:05 PM
To: Jeff Capehart
Subject: Re: word from "the hill"

That's not true because I REPEATEDLY tried to encourage the hams to do their own SKYWARN program. I just didn't want ACS to become a ham only thing, or controlled by EM and restricted to it's own more stringent rules of operation. Spotters don't have to be hams. They don't have to join CERTS. They don't have to have special training other than what the NWS offers. The hams kept trying to make it a ACS vs. them thing. There was no such thing. But Melissa makes everybody think so.

Who are you talking about and where did this occur?


On Mar 31, 2008, at 4:52 PM, Jeff Capehart wrote:
> Apparently you were right about this: word has been circulating
> something to the effect that "the Alachua Skywarn program had a guy
> running it who wanted EVERYTHING to be run through him". This is
> from a guy in Tallahassee who is a ham and has been involved with
> NWS JAX and Fleming at FDEM and that was his impression from what
> he has been hearing from all the folks who he has talked to. (He's
> been going around talking to groups about ARES, SKYWARN, and ham
> radio). That's what they call it up there, Capitol Hill, or "the
> hill", Tallahassee.
> He didn't seem to know a whole lot about you, or Alachua County, or
> a time frame for when this was supposed to be, or even your name,
> but it was the reputation that seemed to stick that "Skywarn in
> Alachua" was a problem.
> So Melissa proceeded to "fill him in". Sheesh.

From: Jeff Capehart []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 5:43 PM
To: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH
Subject: Re: word from "the hill"

True or not, that's what the rumor mill has generated. The guy I spoke with has been talking to the Jax group, and the Pensacola group, and Fleming, and probably the NWS too. TLH has its own NWS, so I wonder who he talked to up there, or if he talked to Jax.

Now he's accusing JOHN FLEMING of helping to spread the rumors? That's TWICE now that he's mentioned that. As well, he just confirmed for me that Eakin has publicly talked about this in Jacksonville circles, in Pensacola circles, in Tallahassee circles. This guy has been CAMPAIGNING ALL OVER the place using my personal situation without even CONSULTING with me! Just how the hell far does this GO? He even suggests that Paul MAY have talked to people in NWS circles in Jax and Tallahassee about me! Jeff is REALLY getting me more and more upset, here. Not only that but Jeff is in a territory he has NO BUSINESS being in and he's getting a WHOLE LOT of other people in trouble the more he talks, here! -Todd

This is actually the first time I am aware you wanted the hams to have their own Skywarn PROGRAM. I don't recall you mentioning that. In fact, didn't Scott try to suggest creating a "North Florida Skywarn" or something? Of course, for him, it didn't go anywhere.

I find it interesting how Jeff conveniently left out how Scott West was harassing me at the time that he had said that. He was referring to an email Scott had sent me wherein Scott had threatened to create a "new" SKYWARN program which would cover all of North Florida. (This is exactly what the hams had eventually ended up telling the NWS and ACOEM that *I* was trying to do so as to try to get them to believe that I was a tyrannical "problem".) He said he was going to call it "North Florida SKYWARN". I simply ignored Scott. Melissa Royce threatened the same thing and actually attempted to carry through with the threat, attempting to take over an already existing organization by using powers given her by the Alachua County Office of Emergency Mnagement.

And Dave shares your opinion/view that the spotter program should not be limited strictly to hams, or that spotters have to get licensed as hams. In fact, he would prefer that the spotter class not be used as a recruiting ground for hams. (But that's just keeping the class topic focused, I hope). Membership in the "storm spotter" group will be open to those who take a sponsored spotter class if they also take NIMS and ICS. CERT/ham or anything else is optional not required.

Let's get one thing clearly understood right here: At this point, I do NOW know (I didn't when it was actually happening) that Jeff AND Melissa were simultaneously pushing the Alachua County Office of Emergency Management to create a spotter group of their own. This was fine. But what Jeff was withholding from me was that they were both pushing ACOEM to use the name "Alachua County SKYWARN" - knowing full well that our group still existed. But Jeff wasn't telling me about that. Sometimes Jeff says things like the above, and you have to try to read between the lines. That is, Why did he say that, and what dreadful circumstances is he not telling me about, which said information COULD, if presented to me within proper enough time, help to prevent so much of the hassle that I'm about to encounter? Note, too, that he said that they were going to require spotters to take NIMS and ICS if they wanted to "join the spotter group", which have nothing at all to do with SKYWARN, and which should not even be a requirement. -Todd

And yes, Melissa has made up her mind and has no compunction sharing her views with anyone. This guy picked up on it real fast about her. He's running for ARRL section manager. I met him at Mitch's SAR training.

Okay, so then if this guy's so smart, and so prudent, then why did he listen to her, OR ANYONE? ...and why didn't he act more prudently and NOT use the unconfirmed information collected from so many other people about my personal situation in his political campaign? I don't want to HEAR it! There are NO excuses, here! The man acted inappropriately. PERIOD. And in so doing he has put not only himself but the ARRL as well at risk of a giant lawsuit. Best strategy of action, here? ...Would have been to leave it the hell alone and to not touch it. But Mr. Eakin chose NOT to. And JEFF chose not to. And MELISSA chose not to. I don't want to hear the excuses. People should have come to ME...the VICTIM, first. But every time I turn around, people are deciding FOR me that my opinions are neither needed nor necessary for consideration. ...WHY? -Todd

Oh and Missy noticed that your name was on the list Dave sent around, and Scott too. So we will all be avoiding Scott. And Missy will have to wear "Scott proof" clothes so "Mr. uncouth" won't stare down her blouse.

What Jeff is alluding to is that Dave Donnelly, the Chief of ACOEM, due to things he has heard but not seen himself, has apparently placed my name on a list of people not allowed to enter the EOC/CCC building. Why? What have I done? Was it because I got angry with him over going so far with creating a group using the name of OUR organization and told him to cease and desist? Was that it?

So now thanks to Jeff I've got proof that my name is being trashed inside emergency management circles. Scott actually has been a problem - staring at womens's breasts, making rude comments, rude behavior, making threats to people, stalking, harassing, breaking the law. But what did *I* do??? I've got a number of emails from various spotters, NWS, and EM personnel all complaining about him.

I'm fast finding Dave to be not a very good leader. He seems to prefer to take gossip and rumor and go with it, rather than first gather up evidence and THEN make a decision. He has too many close, tight friendships with his employees and ham associations and that needs to change. When you do that, you can get "caught up" in things and end up easily manipulated. Dave has repeatedly taken some pretty serious actions based upon the gossip and stupid suggestions of his ham friends, which are in the end going to get him into a lot of legal trouble.

For example, in another reference note elsewhere in my blog, I describe how Dave was convinced by Philip Royce into using color of office to intimidate the Faculty Advisor of the Gator Amateur Radio Club into handing the AC-EMWIN equipment - which actually belonged to Alachua County SKYWARN - over to him. Also in that note, I reference the actual email that he sent to Dr. Garlitz to make that demand.

Dave's rash, unthinking actions repeatedly reinforce in me the realization that the man can't be authoritative when he needs to and that he allows his minions to "shape" his thoughts and ideas just way too easily. And in this case, Dave's been manipulated into helping to spread the gossip and the rumors amongst now multiple local government agencies such as ACOEM, ACSO, UPD, GPD, the UF, etc. And when it comes from a source up so high in the local governmental ladder, it seems to carry with it the implication that it is an "authoritative source", and "authentic" - and thus, one which needs absolutely no verification or challenging. In actuality though, Dave is just parroting what he has heard - not what he has seen, and he has no real clue what is going on around him, and he's being manipulated by the hams.

I used to think Dave was a really nice guy. But now, knowing him much better, I just don't trust that he can act officially in any responsible manner. Dave has been brought down to the level of a puppet, now. He thinks he's running the hams; but rather, the hams are actually running him quite adeptly.

But this is what I mean. The gossip and rumors just keep spreading around that I'm some sort of a "serious problem", but no one wants to get with me about it, to talk to me, to allow me to know what's going on, what's being said, to defend myself... I'm not doing anything and I seem to keep becoming a worse and worse villain as time goes on, and I don't even know HOW! And Jeff, ever such the good friend...well, as you can see, why he's just going out of his way to correct all the damage being spread around out there, to stand up for his friend, not to do anything to upset me, and not to make any bad situations worse for me. Right? I any of your good friends would do for you. Right? ...Just like you would do for your friends? Right? one ever gets.

...And as for Eakin, the dimwitted dumbass who saw opportunity in my situation to further his political career, only exasperated the situaton by showing all of my stalkers that I was completely powerless and that they had carte blanche control now in EM and ARRL circles. They didn't get scared when Eakin came. They got more confident. They got to Eakin, convinced him I was the bad guy, and manipulated the idiot. Eakin, thinking he'd found reliable sources, ended up gullibly manipualted as a tool; and now he's in a lot of trouble for it. He made a very bad situation far worse for be by sticking his nose in something he had absolutely no business getting involved in, and touting himself as some sort of a knowledge base on my situation, and going even farther to imply that he could actually take care of it! That man is an out of control menace for me! And both he and Jeff fed each other information back and forth, fanning the flames for me, making everything worse, while keeping me out of the loop, and preventing me not only knowing what was going on for quite some time, but also from being able to speak up to any of it. Eakin was confident he was doing the right thing, I'm sure. But he was used most easily. They preyed upon his desire for spotlight. They catered right to it and gave him some juicy gossip about some "problem guy" in Alachua County. And he ate it up. Now he's paying for it dearly in just about every circle around him and he just can't seem to make it all stop. His world is crumbling all around him...because he was stupid and used gossip as a tool to further his career. ...Vanity. ...Self-love. ...Very dangerous things for the idiots among us to fiddle with. It may have caused me damage; but in the end, it seems to be causing my villains even more damage. And the REALLY satisfying thing? that I didn't have to do a damned thing except write this blog. They actually brought all of this down on themselves. It's kinda funny, though. In the beginning, it's what the people who thought I was the bad guy were saying about me, at first - when they didn't understand what was actually happening. Heh. But all these people in EM, NWS, FDEM, the police departments...they were victims, themselves. They were all manipulated by the hams. Even if the cops reacted based upon what EM said to them, in the BEGINNING of it all, it was the hams who started it. ...The hams who were the root cause. They were geniouses in how they manipulated everything.

That being said, note how stupid Jeff Capehart is being here. As a main villain himself, Jeff tends to get overly confident in his connections and power, and he likes to narcissistically elevate himself by reminding me just how out of control things are getting for me, and how much more I'm being trashed - in a sort of "en passant" sort of way. He's a bully trying to disguise himself as a friend. But he's forgetting that he's sending me something that I can keep and use later. This is how narcissistic psychopathic personalities usually end up getting caught. They like to harass, to taunt, to brag. And sooner or later, the people who befriended this guy end up getting into trouble too because after a certain amount of time, they've all been convinced to ignore some SOP, take shortcuts, break some rules, some law, some standard procedure someplace, and in the end, to harass and bully just as much as the harasser himself. ...Sometimes without them even knowing it, through the thick web of lies they've spread; and sometimes with their friends knowing it, having been caught in the web wherein they must comply or the psychopath makes the threat to expose their involvement. And this is where Eakin ended up, because he was stupid, and broke his own rules of forensics handling. This is where the psychopath gets his feeling of confidence and power from. They never share information without someone else first sharing something that could harm themselves if it ever got out, and thus used against them. And they always try to convince OTHER people to do the actual dirty work rather than physically getting hands-on involved in it themselves, because then they (think) they can claim, "I didn't actually DO that!...HE did!" (pointing the finger)

You'll also note how Jeff is also very aware of the things going on inside emergency management. Technically, shouldn't he be keeping things to himself here - so as to keep his friends out of trouble? Isn't he supposed to be super intelligent? I mean, Jeff has a very high IQ. Susan is always bragging of this. But here, he seems to just be another 'Lex Luthor' type, who can't seem to stop. Shouldn't he be keeping his mouth shut? Why is he sharing super sensitive information which could be used against him and Dave Donnelly in a possible lawsuit? Do you really think he's trying to be my "friend" and do me a "favor, here? Then why won't he come forward with what he knows about how the GPD cop was cooperating with Phil and Melissa Royce regarding the harassment complaint that I had filed against them? Don't let yourself get fooled, here. Jeff is doing this to taunt, not to help. a psychopath.

I guess I'll see you there at the Spotter class.


On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH wrote:

> That's not true because I REPEATEDLY tried to encourage the hams to do their
> own SKYWARN program. I just didn't want ACS to become a ham only thing, or
> controlled by EM and restricted to it's own more stringent rules of
> operation. Spotters don't have to be hams. They don't have to join CERTS.
> They don't have to have special training other than what the NWS offers. The
> hams kept trying to make it a ACS vs. them thing. There was no such thing.
> But Melissa makes everybody think so.
> Who are you talking about and where did this occur?
> Todd

From: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 6:22 PM
To: 'Jeff Capehart'
Subject: RE: word from "the hill"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Capehart []
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 5:43 PM
> To: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH
> Subject: Re: word from "the hill"
> True or not, that's what the rumor mill has generated. The
> guy I spoke with has been talking to the Jax group, and the
> Pensacola group, and Fleming, and probably the NWS too. TLH
> has its own NWS, so I wonder who he talked to up there, or if
> he talked to Jax.
> This is actually the first time I am aware you wanted the
> hams to have their own Skywarn PROGRAM. I don't recall you

A few things here. First, I never said I "wanted". That's another thing that Jeff does. He likes to insert thoughts into my words which were never actually there. It's like he's constantly looking for some opportunity to deliberately screw up my words, and my intentions, and use it against me. I said if THEY wanted, they should form their own. And second, I mentioned that to him repeatedly, contrary to what he's implying, here. Thirdly, what does what *I* think matter in the creation of someone else's organization? I don't have any say in that and there's no way that I ever could. Just how much power are these people implying that "Evil Todd" supposed to have, here? And how was I supposed to be able to get away with it? Refresh my memory, again?

> mentioning that. In fact, didn't Scott try to suggest
> creating a "North Florida Skywarn"

He did, but only to harass. And Jeff knows it at this point.

> or something? Of course, for him, it didn't go anywhere.

Yah but he meant for it to actually replace all the northern Florida area SKYWARN programs.

And yes, I've been saying that all along...but I always had to repeat it to you. I TRIED looking into making ACS an actual club but then you got Scott and Jay and other people all weirded on me and Scott started making threats and wanted me to make him President and his wife Treasurer, and Jay started threatening my friends, and you started email campaigns to Angie trying to get her to "make me see" and I figured fuck this. People are harassing me over who's going to control ACS and so I decided I'm retaining ACS and those fuckers can make thier own program and run it how they want. But I wasn't about to put ACS in the hands of idiots who wanted to get into trouble with embezzlement the first year it ran. I wasn't trying to take control of all SKYWARN operations in our area. That's Phil and Melissa's bullshit.

> And Dave shares your opinion/view that the spotter program
> should not be limited strictly to hams, or that spotters have
> to get licensed as hams. In fact, he would prefer that the
> spotter class not be used as a recruiting ground for hams.

Exactly. You went around sending pamphlets to Al and such-like touting that ARRL was in charge of SKYWARN the way YOU touted it!

> (But that's just keeping the class topic focused, I hope).
> Membership in the "storm spotter" group will be open to those
> who take a sponsored spotter class if they also take NIMS and
> ICS. CERT/ham or anything else is optional not required.

(...But PUSHED! ...HARD! ...Especially ham radio. I didn't appreciate people telling me I HAD to advertise GARS or GARC or ham radio at the spotter training sessions, like it was a ham radio thing.)

But the WAY in which you guys advertised this class wasn't very fair to the public, really. I mean, I think it got advertised it ONCE in the paper a LONG WHILE before the class, and not again. TV-20 knew about it but I don't think it got all that much REPEATED advertising like they used to do when I did it. You advertised it largely in-house...on the ACEM website, inside GARS' and GARC email lists as far as I'm aware. No further. So then again...who got most of the advertising? ...The hams, really. So what is the majority of the turnout going to BE? ...Hams. The public got one opportunity and the rest of the public really has no clue to look on the ACEM website for the spotter class announcement, much less where to find it, or that it even exists. If people are a LITTLE smarter, they know to check the JAX website. But most have to have their hands held, and you have to advertise in their own domains...Publix, Winn-Dixie, Food Lion, or wherever...on bulletin boards with pretty posters that catch their eyes. THAT...and TV-20, is what did most of the work. I've asked. "I saw the poster." But use larger facilities so you don't have to tell people you're full. The more you can handle, the less people will have to wait ANOTHER year (or two)...because Al doesn't like scheduling classes "so far away." (That, and he didn't like Alachua County to begin with.)

And what's wrong with the library - aside from the fact that you're going to have room for far many more people (beyond a hundred in one sitting)? MUCH bigger place. Yah parking can be a problem but not too much. Not any worse than dealing with the parking garage at the Reitz.

> And yes, Melissa has made up her mind and has no compunction
> sharing her views with anyone. This guy picked up on it real
> fast about her.
> He's running for ARRL section manager. I met him at Mitch's
> SAR training.

How can a guy who is running for section manager be engaged in gossip, for one? Especially without having hard proof of his facts?

Who are you talking about anyway, and where did you hear all this stuff? Was it on the air? In printed material? In a listgroup? Where?

> Oh and Missy noticed that your name was on the list Dave sent
> around, and Scott too. So we will all be avoiding Scott.
> And Missy will have to wear "Scott proof" clothes so "Mr.
> uncouth" won't stare down her blouse.
> I guess I'll see you there at the Spotter class.



From: Jeff Capehart []
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 12:27 PM
To: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH
Subject: RE: word from "the hill"

See in line responses...

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH wrote:

>> Scott [...] creating a "North Florida Skywarn"
> Yah but he meant for it to actually replace all the northern Florida area
> SKYWARN programs.

Assumption? Or is that what he said? I thought it was hot-air.

> I wasn't trying to take control of all
> SKYWARN operations in our area. That's Phil and Melissa's bullshit.

That was the word this guy got, and since it was rumor, gossip, anecdotal, etc.... that's why he wanted to come to Gainesville and talk to the people here. He's been doing that all over... people say things about Marion County, Columbia County (Suwannee Valley Skywarn), and you can never get the story straight until you talk to the local people. What... you want to talk to this guy and straighten him out? Melissa feels she already did that.

>> And Dave shares your opinion/view that the spotter program
>> should not be limited strictly to hams, or that spotters have
>> to get licensed as hams. In fact, he would prefer that the
>> spotter class not be used as a recruiting ground for hams.
> Exactly. You went around sending pamphlets to Al and such-like touting that
> ARRL was in charge of SKYWARN the way YOU touted it!

The MOU was between ARRL and NWS. Who else has an MOU with the NWS for providing people to the Skywarn program? The only other one I could find was REACT. And they do radio too, some even ham radio. See REACT's MOU at

> (...But PUSHED! ...HARD! ...Especially ham radio. I didn't appreciate
> people telling me I HAD to advertise GARS or GARC or ham radio at the
> spotter training sessions, like it was a ham radio thing.)
People? What People? How does offering the public information on how to be more valuable/effective as a spotter make it a ham radio thing? Especially when the handouts are just club information and "how to become a ham" info. Hello... it is optional? I think the difficulty you had was that the "ham radio" part had a club/organization, whereas "ACS" did not, so naturally it looked like a sponsoring organization.

> But the WAY in which you guys advertised this class wasn't very fair to the
> public, really.
You guys? You mean Dave. UF set up the room. The big room, like room 282 was not available. Believe me, they wanted a bigger room. UF wanted it to be on-campus as a local onsite training. The public meeting in the evening was offered as an alternative, and public service, and because the NWS was already here. And making it WORK sponsored or EMPLOYER sponsored means employees (UF) feel more like it is approved to attend rather than some "educational" class not work related that they would have to take time off for, or would not be able to get supervisor approval to leave their regular work duty.

> And what's wrong with the library - aside from the fact that you're going to
> have room for far many more people (beyond a hundred in one sitting)? MUCH
> bigger place. Yah parking can be a problem but not too much. Not any worse
> than dealing with the parking garage at the Reitz.
No problem with the Library. But... again see above. I was not involved in the choice of when or where. Dave is running the show here.

> How can a guy who is running for section manager be engaged in gossip, for
> one? Especially without having hard proof of his facts?
Like I said... he hears this from people as he travels around the area to hamfests, club meetings, and has dinner or lunch with folks. People talk. But... he goes to the source to get the story.

Hah! "GOES TO THE SOURCE???" BULL-shit! I don't remember that man EVER coming to ME...until I threatened him with a lawsuit! THEN he came to me. But for the RECORD: *I* the "SOURCE" that he should have gone to in the very first place. It was ABOUT.....ME! Trust me. I'm a very important key. He ignored me instead. Kept me out of the entire loop. Heh. And the man calls himself a "crime scene investigator." Yah...right. Very professionally handled, this all was. Yup-uh. -Todd

> Who are you talking about anyway, and where did you hear all this stuff?
> Was it on the air? In printed material? In a listgroup? Where?
See above. I doubt you will find anything in any email list, website, or printed material. I doubt it was over-the-air either. This is just people chatting on the phone or in person. No transcripts or recorded conversations, just people's own interpretation of what they think they heard. If you could, you could just GOOGLE for "Skywarn Alachua problem" or something like that and find it. I did and I didn't find anything.

>> I guess I'll see you there at the Spotter class.
> Yup.

Susan is sick, so she might not make the daytime class. If she feels better later today she might come to the evening class.

> Todd


From: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH []
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 3:57 PM
To: 'Jeff Capehart'
Subject: RE: word from "the hill"

> See in line responses...
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH wrote:
> >> Scott [...] creating a "North Florida Skywarn"
> >
> > Yah but he meant for it to actually replace all the northern Florida
> > area SKYWARN programs.
> Assumption? Or is that what he said? I thought it was hot-air.

I KNOW he was joking, but that's the idea he wanted me to believe. He was just being mean.

> > I wasn't trying to take control of all SKYWARN operations in our area.
> > That's Phil and Melissa's bullshit.
> That was the word this guy got, and since it was rumor,
> gossip, anecdotal, etc.... that's why he wanted to come to
> Gainesville and talk to the people here. He's been doing
> that all over... people say things about Marion County,
> Columbia County (Suwannee Valley Skywarn), and you can never
> get the story straight until you talk to the local people.
> What... you want to talk to this guy and straighten him out?
> Melissa feels she already did that.

Jeff, are you going to reveal this guys NAME at some point, or just TAUNT me with this stuff to see what kind of a reaction you can get out of me?

> >> And Dave shares your opinion/view that the spotter program should not
> >> be limited strictly to hams, or that spotters have to get licensed as
> >> hams. In fact, he would prefer that the spotter class not be used as
> >> a recruiting ground for hams.
> >
> > Exactly. You went around sending pamphlets to Al and such-like touting
> > that ARRL was in charge of SKYWARN the way YOU touted it!
> The MOU was between ARRL and NWS. Who else has an MOU with
> the NWS for providing people to the Skywarn program? The
> only other one I could find was REACT. And they do radio
> too, some even ham radio. See REACT's MOU at

The MoU doesn't mean that ham radio is THE one and ONLY way in which SKYWARN is to be handled, it doesn't mean ham radio is the only entity which handles it. It means that the ***ARRL*** has an agreement with the NWS, and that's it. But what POWER does it give the ARRL. Nothing. Tell me where it gives ARRL power to DO something, or take control of something.

> > (...But PUSHED! ...HARD! ...Especially ham radio. I didn't
> > appreciate people telling me I HAD to advertise GARS or GARC or ham
> > radio at the spotter training sessions, like it was a ham radio
> > thing.)
> People? What People? How does offering the public
> information on how to be more valuable/effective as a spotter
> make it a ham radio thing?

Officers in GARS would contantly pester me about placing pamphlets out and giving ham radio advertising in my speeches and I was getting tired of it. They would give me the sell based on the idea that I was supposed to do this or something and made me feel like if I didn't I was breaking some rule.

> > How can a guy who is running for section manager be engaged in gossip,
> > for one? Especially without having hard proof of his facts?
> Like I said... he hears this from people as he travels around
> the area to hamfests, club meetings, and has dinner or lunch with folks.
> People talk. But... he goes to the source to get the story.

Again...who is "HE?"

> > Who are you talking about anyway, and where did you hear all this stuff?
> > Was it on the air? In printed material? In a listgroup? Where?
> See above. I doubt you will find anything in any email list,
> website, or printed material. I doubt it was over-the-air
> either. This is just people chatting on the phone or in
> person. No transcripts or recorded conversations, just
> people's own interpretation of what they think they heard.
> If you could, you could just GOOGLE for "Skywarn Alachua
> problem" or something like that and find it. I did and I
> didn't find anything.

But YOU heard about it. The NWS apparently knows about it. The ARRL apparently knows about it. So it has to be more than just phone calls and personal conversations, here.

Who is this individual? And what did he say to you specifically? And what did Melissa say to "correct" him? Is there some "email?"

> >> I guess I'll see you there at the Spotter class.
> >
> > Yup.
> Susan is sick, so she might not make the daytime class. If
> she feels better later today she might come to the evening class.

This is important for me to know...WHY? Am I supposed to cower and turn tail or something? Who cares?


From: Jeff Capehart []
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 12:26 AM
To: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH
Subject: RE: word from "the hill"

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH wrote:

> Jeff, are you going to reveal this guys NAME at some point, or just TAUNT me
> with this stuff to see what kind of a reaction you can get out of me?

Frankly, his name doesn't matter, as far as you are concerned. After all, he is one of those "hams". So why does it matter so much? You think I am making this up as an anonymous straw-man or something?? Maybe I don't want you calling or emailing the guy to bug him about it. You're lucky I even mentioned it to you. I could have just kept my mouth shut and not mentioned a word of it.

> [MOU]
> But what POWER does it give the ARRL. Nothing. Tell me where it
> gives ARRL power to DO something, or take control of something.

Obviously an MOU doesn't give the organization "power". It gives its members an agreement they can use to show those in the organization leadership (who aren't aware) that an agreement is in place between the two for one to provide support for the other.

> Officers in GARS would contantly pester me about placing pamphlets out and
> giving ham radio advertising in my speeches and I was getting tired of it.
> They would give me the sell based on the idea that I was supposed to do this
> or something and made me feel like if I didn't I was breaking some rule.

I don't remember this. Officers? Now its your turn. Which officers? Who? Are they still alive or even in GARS??

> But YOU heard about it. The NWS apparently knows about it. The ARRL
> apparently knows about it. So it has to be more than just phone calls and
> personal conversations, here.
> Who is this individual? And what did he say to you specifically? And what
> did Melissa say to "correct" him? Is there some "email?"

Oh please. The part about "SKYWARN" was very brief, and I did not ask for the nth degree support for comments or statements. The further I get from it, the less well I can remember exactly what was said. And Melissa was already in conversation before I could get over and monitor so who knows what all she said.

>> Susan is sick, so she might not make the daytime class. If
>> she feels better later today she might come to the evening class.
> This is important for me to know...WHY? Am I supposed to cower and turn
> tail or something? Who cares?

Jeez... just giving a heads up so you wouldn't be "shocked" if she showed up. As it was, Scott was a no-show, thankfully. Susan was still too sick to make it.

> Todd


From: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH []
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 12:58 AM
To: 'Jeff Capehart'
Subject: RE: word from "the hill"

You know. You're an asshole. You alert me to shit like this - how some guy on a campaign trail within the ARRL seems to be using my dilemma as fodder to further his political agenda, advertising it along his campaign trail, then you withhold the information from me so I can't do anything about it and then you give me a hard time telling me I'm getting upset for nothing. You're one cruel son of a fucking bitch.

I truly understand why you do things like this to me now. You do this on purpose because you get a rise out of it. You enjoy watching me get upset so you set me up with little tidbits of information lacking the important parts so that I can't do a damned thing about it, and sit back and laugh while you watch what happens. You torture because you enjoy it.

So tomorrow morning I'm filing for a restaining order against you since you seem to never have anything really helpful to say and only seem to get off on torturing me and causing me pain. I warned you about this once before.


From: Jeff Capehart []
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 10:25 AM
To: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH
Subject: RE: word from "the hill"

On Wed, 2 Apr 2008, Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH wrote:

> You know. You're an asshole. You alert me to shit like this - how some guy
> on a campaign trail within the ARRL seems to be using my dilemma as fodder
> to further his political agenda, advertising it along his campaign trail,
> then you withhold the information from me so I can't do anything about it
> and then you give me a hard time telling me I'm getting upset for nothing.
> You're one cruel son of a fucking bitch.
> I truly understand why you do things like this to me now. You do this on
> purpose because you get a rise out of it. You enjoy watching me get upset
> so you set me up with little tidbits of information lacking the important
> parts so that I can't do a damned thing about it, and sit back and laugh
> while you watch what happens. You torture because you enjoy it.
> So tomorrow morning I'm filing for a restaining order against you since you
> seem to never have anything really helpful to say and only seem to get off
> on torturing me and causing me pain. I warned you about this once before.
> Todd

You are a piece of work. How someone can completely obfuscate a simple message and construe it into something far beyond what it was takes a truly paranoid person with delusions of conspiracy theories all around him.

Tell ya what. Since this email thing isn't working, and you don't answer your phone, I'll answer whatever questions you have and clear them up - but not back-n-forth via email. That avenue apparently is not working for you. Call me when you want to talk. I'll even buy lunch or dinner.

But this is the last email I'm going to send on this subject.

And p.s. this guy didn't know you or the name of whoever was running the SKYWARN program in Alachua. Apparently any of the people he spoke with either didn't know names or wouldn't mention them, other than to use words like "problem" and "Alachua County" when referring to SKYWARN. AND THAT WAS THE JIST OF IT, exact words or not. Which is why he came here in the first place to find out what the real story was, BUT NOT SOLELY FOR THAT PURPOSE! Sheesh.


Notice how at the threat of a restraining order suddenly I'm unreasonable and "paranoid". I'm also noting how he's using a new phrase I've not EVER heard him use before: "You're a piece of work." Nice-sounding clencher phrase that is designed to make people think I'm some sort of a delusional or a really good liar or something. Heh. I actually had to threaten him with a restraining order, and with permanent cessation of contact, to 1) get information out of him, but 2) even then he still wouldn't SHUT UP. He just had to have the last word. Tis is what I mean. I tell the man tl leave me alone and he cannot do it. It is so unusually IMPORTANT to him to have to argue and argue and ARGUE with me. He just cannot put it down. It's so god-awful important to make sure that I understand how stupid and ridiculous and inferior I am, and how much superior his is over me. It's important that I understand that I am utterly beneath him. I must understand this or his life just isn't right. Basically, his M.O. is to cause some sort of big trouble for me, to share bare minimum info with me about the things that he's done so as to work me up and get me extremely upset. Then he holds out until the last, after making me beg for it repetatively, to satisfy some inexplicable need in him to torture me. And when he finally gives it up and then is confronted about why he felt the need to torture you with it, he of course is sure to blame the victim. This is the typical Jeff Capehart M.O. ...And very needless.

I noticed this especially: The email thing "isn't working?"..."for ME???? HEH! He means not working for HIM. I was beginning to get smart about Jeff. I stopped picking up the phone because with the phone you have to tell the other party that you're recording them if you want evidence of a conversation. And if I told him that I was recording the conversation, then he would reveal nothing. In EMAIL, however, I had a record of the conversations. These records could be used as evidence of discussions, of things happening, and of character and motive. Jeff didn't like email because of that. He hates email for that, in fact. And when in the future he began to realize that I was saving them, he suddenly stopped "sharing", but instead, his emails became more accusatory and blaming in order to try to cover his ass, and as if hoping that some cop or lawyer reading them might think that I was nuts.

As for his attempt to cover for Eakin by stating that Eakin didn't know my name, and only that it had to do with a "problem" with the "SKYWARN program", in "Alachua County"...

At the time, there was only one SKYWARN program in Alachua County, and if there was a "problem" with the guy who ran it, then the finger was being pointed at me, by defacto identification based upon the obvious. As I said in another comment above already (and again below), if there's a way to identify someone without using their name, this is it, and you can still be held responsible for that. -Todd

From: Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH []
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 4:50 PM
To: Jeff Capehart
Subject: RE: word from "the hill"

No Jeff. No face to face talks. Because the only reason you do that is so you can spread more of your shit without "evidence" that you did. And that's just the mark of a guilty conscience...someone who is trying to hide something. "Doesn't work" my ass. You mean you don't want me to be able to nail you down to having said something that could come back to haunt you in some way - like being sued or even being arrested, maybe, or at the least allowing others to see just how really involved you actually were.

The "guy" who "doesn't know my name" describes me in such a way that it is not in the slightest way difficult to identify just EXACTLY who he means... "problem"..."Alachua County"..."SKYWARN". Those variables identify me SPECIFICALLY. Come mon, man. You're the brilliant genius here. Those words specifically point STRAIGHT back to me, and simply that *I* was a problem...THE problem. So yes, while he doesn't specifically USE my name, my name is readily apparent and quickly researchable, and the whole world is then easily able to point the finger at me and blame me for everything. There's no paranoia or conspiracy theory. It's fucking TRUE and you god-damned KNOW it. What you don't seem to get is how you know so much about what has happened to me, how you keep it secret from everyone else so that no one blames you or sees your involvement in any way and how you slide information to both sides back and forth and work both sides up and make everybody upset with each other - Scott, Jay, Phil & Melissa... I wonder what people would think if they listened to you claim how you didn't do anything to work Jay up, and even withheld his name from me for a month and "baited" me with the information ...Hmm, just like you seem to be doing now with the ARRL candidate. You PARTICIPATED in a conversation with him about me after I'd already BEGGED you to stop talking to people about me - knowing full well WHY I had asked you to stop talking to people about me...because it was working certain volatile people up into a frenzy and causing them to actually take real and crazy actions against me. It's not like you didn't KNOW that Scott was volatile, or that Jay was volatile. And now we have an ARRL member running for a position, using my situation callously as fodder to boost his own political campaign...and YOU think me an asshole for trying to get a handle on that situation and preventing the spread of false and harmful information. That's a legitimate worry, Jeff. It's not paranoid and crazy. And you KNOW what has already happened with this situation over the past couple of years so to sit there and tell me I'm being ridiculous is in itself ridiculous.

You got smart only lately...refraining from saying anything in email and on the phone. But I have tons of emails from you already, dude. It's too late. I have emails where we've had LONG conversations where I BEG you and DEMAND you to stop talking to Scott and Jay and people like that BECAUSE they're volatile and unpredictable. You knew about the information on Jay having arson convictions and the episode where he maced an FHP officer and how he had past felony convictions. Even if rumor at that time, it was still there, and you knew his personality, and that it was extremely likely. Scott, too. You knew how volatile HE was. And yet you continued to talk to them. And you'd say, "What do you want me to SAY to them?...GET LOST?" Do you remember conversations along those lines? Unfortunately, normal conscience and prudence would dictate Jeff that, YES, you had a responsibility to disassociate from these people and to cease giving them any more flame whe you realized that your information was only fanning their flames and causing me more problems. But you did not. In fact, you FOUGHT me, because you liked watching it happen, I think. You're not a dumbass, and you know how dangerous these people were. You're not a dumbass, and it's not like you don't know what's right and what's wrong. You're not a dumbass, and you know when people are being cruel and when they're being mean. But when I put the blame in YOUR court, you suddenly act like you don't know these boundaries, and a if you're not responsible in the slightest way. And in YOUR conscience, this gives you permission to continue sharing information back and forth, working each side up into conflict.

Unfortunately for you Jeff, you've already let the cat out of the bag. That's your fault, not mine. Now, you've told me that a member of the ARRL is using my desperate and sensitive situation to further his political career without any real research into the real facts beyond going to other fourteenth and fifteenth and 100th step down the line informational sources. I wish to talk to this man and find out exactly what he said, and to fill him in on MY side before he uses my personal situation as fodder to bolster his political career and thus end up destroying my name even FURTHER, and/or making people who aren't in the know worried and upset over an innocent person (i.e., me) for no justifiable reason. You clued me in to the existence of this, I have told you what is wrong with it, you are now aware, and I want his fucking name. To alert me to the existence of all of this, and then to deliberately withhold the name of the individual, says to the world that you only intended to harass and stab me at me, because you had no INTENTION of giving me any way to DO anything about it. So what other purpose can be SEEN in what you did here EXCEPT that you intended to torture me with the information.

This makes you a harasser rather than the "nice guy" you like to tell yourself that you are.

So what is this guy's name, Jeff? Or should I just take this to a judge and get a restraining order and ban you from any further contact with me at ALL in the future? Because I'll tell yuh, all you ever seem to DO with me is tell me how somebody is "saying" something about me, and then withholding information that would help me DO something about it.

Because of Melissa alone, people in all levels of government think me a tyrant and a deviant or some variation between the two. thing is, you KNOW I'm not, you know SO much information that could help clear my name, and yet you deliberately and conciously decide not to reveal it to anyone for fear of implicating yourself or tainting everyone else's image of you BECAUSE letting everyone know how much you knew would only tend to make people ask you WHY you never came forward knowing so much. I'm not an idiot, Jeff. I know exactly why you withhold all that you know, why you do nothing. You LIKE watching me suffer.

...And that makes you the biggest fucking jerk on the face of the planet, and you're in DENIAL to call ME paranoid and yourself a good leader. You can DO something about this. You can come FORWARD with what you know, and HELP me, and help STOP all this harassment and destruction of my name. But you choose not to. And that is the moral mystery. Why does he not come forward? Why does he keep all this knowledge secret from all the other hams, and from the people who matter?

YOU came to ME and told me how the cop had a bragging conversation with Phil Royce, and you described to ME all the details of my case - details you should not have known. You came to ME and told me how the cop admitted he thought I was stupid, how he didn't think I knew what I was talking about, how he thought I was just trying to use the legal system to harass innocent people, and how he helped deliberately delay my case to help them. You refused to share this information with the police touting that your info was second hand "gossip" when in fact Phil & Melissa were directly involved in the wrongful activity with the cop and that makes you a FIRST-HAND witness to the people DIRECTLY INVOLVED. You are the TEXTBOOK definition of a "witness" to what had happened. But you don't want to allow people to see that you know, or to say again, that you had obligation to respond and to ask you why you didn't. So you kid yourself, telling yourself that it's "rumor," making your conscience feel better. But to come to me with a situation containing information like THAT, and then call me DARE you!

PROVE me a liar, Jeff. Come forward to GARS, GARC, the police, the NWS. TELL them what you know...the REAL stuff. Tell them the things that you've witnessed. Be TRUTHFUL and let them know what I've had to endure, here.

Aw what the heck am I doing. I'm barking up a dog's leg, here, while he's pissing on me. Ain't gonna happen. You're not going to do a damned thing to risk your OWN good standing because to admit all that would make people ask why you didn't say something before.

Jeff why can't you just DO the right damned thing, here? COME forward with what you know, dammit! HELP me to make all of this STOP. TELL GPD's IAD department what you know of how Officer Mayo helped sabotaged my filed case. TELL people in GARS and in Emergency Management and in the NWS what happened with Scott, and with Jay, and how it caused me to try to hide. TELL me this guy's name so that I can talk to him and make sure he has BOTH sides, not just Melissa's warped version. (I can't believe you'd be satisfied to let that happen to me.) If that man gets up on the podium, and spreads Melissa's ill will on a podium, and/or in emails and/or in listgroups, or worse - at conventions, or in magazines like QST...then now it's taken to a NATIONAL level, and my name will truly have been destroyed to a degree that is ridiculously unfair and cruel, and I will truly then NOT be able to keep up with it. ...And you KNOW it.

God dammit, Jeff...GET a fucking conscience and DO the god-damned right thing! You KNOW what you have to do - and giving me a hard time about why not only makes you the bad guy.

COME on, Jeff! PLEASE! ...DAMN-it! What the hell is WRONG with you? COME on! Just DO it, dammit! PUT your foot down, DECIDE that you're done with Melissa's shit, and DO the right thing.

Or are you scared that if you come forward, that Phil and Melissa might retaliate against YOU, too? Are you doing this because SUSAN is telling you to? Is she telling you to withhold information because "it would help Todd?" What? Why can't you see the WRONG in what you're doing? Why do you keep torturing me? Why?


On Apr 2, 2008, at 10:24 AM, Jeff Capehart wrote:
> You are a piece of work. How someone can completely obfuscate a
> simple message and construe it into something far beyond what it
> was takes a truly paranoid person with delusions of conspiracy
> theories all around him.
> Tell ya what. Since this email thing isn't working, and you don't
> answer your phone, I'll answer whatever questions you have and
> clear them up - but not back-n-forth via email. That avenue
> apparently is not working for you. Call me when you want to talk.
> I'll even buy lunch or dinner.
> But this is the last email I'm going to send on this subject.
> And p.s. this guy didn't know you or the name of whoever was
> running the SKYWARN program in Alachua. Apparently any of the
> people he spoke with either didn't know names or wouldn't mention
> them, other than to use words like "problem" and "Alachua County"
> when referring to SKYWARN. AND THAT WAS THE JIST OF IT, exact
> words or not. Which is why he came here in the first place to find
> out what the real story was, BUT NOT SOLELY FOR THAT PURPOSE! Sheesh.
> Jeff
> On Wed, 2 Apr 2008, Todd L. Sherman / KB4MHH wrote:
>> You know. You're an asshole. You alert me to shit like this - how some guy
>> on a campaign trail within the ARRL seems to be using my dilemma as fodder
>> to further his political agenda, advertising it along his campaign trail,
>> then you withhold the information from me so I can't do anything about it
>> and then you give me a hard time telling me I'm getting upset for nothing.
>> You're one cruel son of a fucking bitch.
>> I truly understand why you do things like this to me now. You do this on
>> purpose because you get a rise out of it. You enjoy watching me get upset
>> so you set me up with little tidbits of information lacking the important
>> parts so that I can't do a damned thing about it, and sit back and laugh
>> while you watch what happens. You torture because you enjoy it.
>> So tomorrow morning I'm filing for a restaining order against you since you
>> seem to never have anything really helpful to say and only seem to get off
>> on torturing me and causing me pain. I warned you about this once before.
>> Todd

From: Jeff Capehart []
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 2:04 PM
To: Todd L. Sherman/KB4MHH
Subject: KJ4G, Candidate for NFSM (fwd)

This is the guy. Do you want his phone number, or is email ok?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 16:30:37 -0400
From: Paul L. Eakin
Subject: KJ4G, Candidate for NFSM

Hello, I'm Paul L. Eakin, KJ4G. I am a candidate for the position of the ARRL Northern Florida Section Manager.

Because of time restraints, it is impossible to get to all the ARRL Clubs in the section before the ballots will be sent out April 1st. I have visited about fifteen clubs so far. I am sending this e-mail to all incase I don't get to meet you in person before you cast your vote. I sincerely hope you are not offended by me sending you this post. This is a very serious election facing the members of the Section.

I grew up in rural North Dade County (Miami) and graduated from North Miami Senior High School in 1958. I then joined the United States Navy and honorably served 3 1/2 years at Lakehurst Naval Air Station.

In May of 1962 I became a firefighter for the City of Miami. I retired as a firefighter/paramedic almost 30 years later with the same passion for the job as I did the day I joined. It was truly a wonderful career and a great way to give back to those in need. I trained under Dr. Jim Hirschman, K4TCV (APRS WX) and later met Dr. Steve Dimse, K4HG ( at the Emergency Department at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

All along I had a passion to be a Florida Highway Patrol Trooper. In 1990, I was accepted on the patrol as an Auxiliary Trooper and went to the Academy at Troop E Miami for training. Until I moved to Tallahassee, I was assigned to Troop K on the Turnpike. I moved to Tallahassee to attend the full standards academy for Law Enforcement Officer. I have stayed here and have had a great time doing my volunteer work for the Patrol, the American Red Cross, First Response K9 Search Team and Amateur Radio.

The sparkle of radio hit me when I was quite young. I would listen for hours to a Zenith Transoceanic radio to everything I could. Of all the things that intrigued me about radio was ordinary people talking about everyday things. At the time very few "hams" lived near me and with school and Boy Scouts, I was busy.

It was in the Navy that I got to ask questions and start to learn about the hobby that would later become my passion. I had the chance to visit the base radio station which was in touch with many distant lands, ships at sea and, of course, Washington DC. My favorite story is when I worked my first ever DX contact. While on duty on the runways of the base, I heard a radio ID of another fire apparatus that was giving his location on a specific runway which was the runway I was on. I asked for more details thinking the tower dispatched the wrong unit. Turns out he was in Memphis and not at Lakehurst where I was located. Wow, first 6M dx contact, well sorta.

My ham career started out as a CB'er. I was given a callsign of KDI1667 and operated very legally. One didn't take a chance when Jack May and Art Gilbert, FCC engineers, lived close by in your locality. Jack would later administer my Technician, General, Advanced Class tests and all the commercial license tests up to 1st Telephone with radar endorsement.

In the early years of my Fire Dept. career, I worked off duty for a commercial 2 way radio shop. I ended up doing various antenna / transmission line installs on 50 to 1800 foot towers. This was by far the most exciting off duty job I ever had. I received a lot my repeater building education from this job and have since helped many groups set up systems.

I have been an ARRL Life Member for over 30 years. I am active as a Volunteer Examiner for both the ARRL and W5YI. I hold the position of Assistant District Emergency Coordinator for the Capital District (Digital Communications). I have mentored at least 1 new amateur operator since I became an active ham. To date, directly or indirectly, I have mentored over 100 new operators in the 38 years I have been licensed. While I have experience with most modes on most bands, I have had some real fun on 10M QRP and on all HF bands, have never used an amplifier, relying on antennas to get the job done. Until recently, over 90% of my HF activity was from the mobile. 60 meters is now my favorite band, and I have worked about 30 states and 5 countries.

Data communications has become very important to ham radio. From the early days of RTTY to and from Venezuela during the earthquakes to the packet evolution, APRS, Winlink2K, AirMail, SEDAN, PSK31 and now D-Star systems, I have tried to keep up with and also help get folks interested in these modes.

I was involved in the formation of the North Florida D-Star Group. We are dedicated to learn, build, teach and operate this new mode of ham radio. We sponsor a D-Star UHF repeater and will soon have a VHF repeater, a 1296 repeater and a 1296 data channel in operation. There is so much that can be gained from these systems, both for general use and for Emergency Communications. The members of our group have traveled to visit clubs and presented a seminar in Tallahassee with guest speakers Greg Sarratt, W4OZK and Rick Seeders, KG4PNL from Alabama to present D-Star to about 85 people. I'm proud to be associated with these active and interested amateurs.

So far, I have been telling you about my career and ham radio experiences.

I am one of three ARRL members running for the Northern Florida Section Manager's position and the purpose of this email is to tell you about myself and why I would appreciate your vote.

Our current SM, Rudy Hubbard, WA4PUP is retiring after 18 years of service. The section has come a long way from 18 years ago when served agencies wouldn't talk to hams about help. I wish Rudy a great retirement and the very best. Rudy, thanks for all you've done.

With almost 50 years in public safety service, emergency management and administration, I feel I can offer experience, training, education and common sense to the Section. Because of my fire service experience, I am thoroughly familiar with the Incident Command System and I am currently involved in completing all the courses required. I have finished ICS100, 200, and I'm enrolled in 300 and 700. I have completed EMComm I, II, and just finished III. I have acted as NCS for the morning NFAREC net and soon will be training for the 19:30 NFPN evening net. In years past I have done NCS duties for several nets.

Whoever is elected will immediately have several major responsibilities. First, because all existing Section appointments will become vacant at midnight the last day of June, the seeking of qualified and capable candidates for vacated positions will become my top priority. Appointments to staff positions will assure that the Section continues to operate and to provide the services to amateur radio is a must.

Also, as soon as possible, a workable NFL Section Emergency Communications Plan should be issued, recognizing the new DHS, FEMA, FDEM and ARRL training issues and the ever-increasing demands placed on amateur radio operators.

Our goal as amateur radio operators should be COMMUNICATIONS, not ham radio communications. To meet the responsibilities and obligations we have to the public, we should be prepared to and capable of providing any communications needed, under any conditions, from voice to data to video, and by any means available. However, we do not want to lose or forego the hobby aspect of amateur radio. There should be a position or function for any operator with any interest in the hobby/public service.

There is a tremendous pool of talent and ability in the ham radio membership of the Section and these talents can be put to use in a variety of ways to serve the public. We can provide services and purposes, especially during emergency conditions that will earn the respect and gratitude of the served agencies, the government and the general public.

Remember that the general public, members of most served agencies, the press and many others do not know the difference between ham radios, GMRS, CB, police radios, satellite phones, etc. In reality, all of these systems could and would be used in an emergency. When the final report comes out, what the public needs to hear is that ham radio operators were communicators helping the cause. As with hams, served agencies will talk amongst themselves. An agency that has a good relationship with the hams will brag to the other agencies. There will be no bragging if an agency has a bad experience. For all the good press releases about ham radio, one bad release will always be remembered the most and do the most damage.

Being from Tallahassee, I have an excellent working relationship with the Florida Division of Emergency Management at the EOC and with other State and Federal agencies. This relationship will be of great benefit to the section. In an emergency, I would be able to respond to the State EOC to perform the duties of section management as well as provide communications assistance of all types.

While a good portion was spent talking about EMComm, there are many other issues in the section that aren't in the public eye. The OO program, ARRL clubs, PIO's, nets and recruitment of new hams, especially youngsters, to mention a few, all are in need of attention. The location of the State EOC, in the Northern Florida Section, places additional responsibilities on section leadership because a lot of what happens during emergency conditions will affect the rest of the state and parts of surrounding states.

There are a number of untapped resources that can be applied to amateur radio if there is a dedicated, active section leadership organization. State and Federal grants is just one of the areas I intend, if elected, to actively pursue.

If elected, I will set up a decentralized 'span of control' management plan. This will give more operators the opportunity to participate in the operation of the section and to develop relationships and build teamwork in their local areas, becoming a closer, more cohesive group. PIO folks will be asked to work with served agencies to help build good two way relationships between them and the ham radio community. Issues that affect every amateur operator in the section and every aspect of the hobby will be evaluated and promoted.

I am very passionate about ham radio. I'm retired and have the ability to travel throughout the section to assist where necessary. The furthest location is 4 hours travel time. If we can agree that we may disagree, I'm sure we can talk things through. I will listen, as your thought counts and is important to me. I believe in the team concept of getting things done, and will ask for assistance. I believe information should flow in both directions and will. With everyone's help, the goals and objectives of the Northern Florida Section will be accomplished.

I would appreciate your vote and confidence for the Northern Florida SM position.

Please feel free to email or contact me if you have any questions or concerns you would like addressed before you return your ballot to the League.

Thank you,


Paul L. Eakin,

Candidate for Northern Florida Section Manager


Wow. What a long-winded mouthful of narcissistic HORSE shit. The man is an irresponsible IDIOT, painting himself as a god.

You know, Jeff Capehart has tortured me in similar ways before, too.

...With Jay Leiberman/KD4FER and the things that Jeff encouraged him to do. Jay intended to go to the Navy and tell them that my best friend was "associating with a known security risk" in the hopes of bogging her down in investigation and thus keeping Todd from talking to his friend, who was OBVIOUSLY distracting him and keeping him from his so very important SKYWARN "duties". To Jeff, working low-browed people like Jay was so much fun because then he could sit back and watch while the fireworks fly and while Todd tries to get himself OUT of the situations that Jeff would bring upon him. Jeff is very sick and needs help.

...He tortured me with Scott West/KG4VWD and the things that he was doing.
...With Melissa Royce and the things that she was doing.
...With Phil Royce and the things that he was doing.

But nobody ever knows about this because the emails are always between me...and him. And the rest of the world only sees that he volunteers for everything and does favors for everyone to throw people off. So no one pays attention...


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Last Updated: August 3, 2011.